Focal points of the practice
I. Diagnostics
1. classical laboratory diagnostics
2. classic anamnesis
3. Diagnostics of the gastrointestinal microbiom
4. Diagnostics according to the rules of Tradional Chinese Medicine
II. Therapy
1. All forms of chronic pain, especilly:
- Pain of the muscoloskeletal system
- Migraine
- temporomandibular joint disorders
2. Chronic infections
- Weakness of the defence
- recurrent infections
3. Gastrointestinal diseases
4. Burn out/ chronic fatigue/ Exhaustion
5. Tinnitus
6. Chronic reccurent urinary tract infections
7. Somatisation disorders
III. Therapy methods
1. Akupunktur (Ear- and Bodyacupuncture)
2. Tuina (chinese manual therapy/ Physiotherapie)
3. Infusion therapy
4. Phytotherapy
5. Nutritional counselling
6. Stress management (Tai Chi/ Qi Gong)
7. Exercise therapy/ strengthening